Health & Wellbeing

Part of 16 Degree Shift’s mission is to promote good mental health and well-being, with future goals of offering training, awareness and workshops to support individuals and organisations.  Until 16 Degree Shift Training and Consultancy Ltd is in a position to offer these services, please find below highly recommended and competent persons to help.

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The importance of health and well being

In 2018/19, 602,000 workers suffering from work-related stress, depression or anxiety (new or longstanding)

12.8 million working days lost due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety     …Labour Force Survey (LFS)

Effective management of stress will ensure individuals are at their best for themselves, their families and their work performance.  It is well worth the time and investment in getting it right!

The costs of not managing stress is way too high to employers, to individuals and the people that love them.  We should all strive for a healthy work-life balance and get the most out of life and help others do the same.


Use of the HSE Standards, stress management policies, training and risk assessments.

Recognition and Intervention

Training at all levels of the business on recognition and intervention on what to do and how to address it sensitively and effectively.

Appointing and training Mental Health First Aiders is a great support mechanism for those feeling like they are not coping.


Appointing a competent counselling service to support employees in their time of absence and in their phased return back to work.

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Support to help you get it right

We now offer a one day working with wellbeing course – accredited by NEBOSH.

See the course page:


Metal Health First Aiders can be a great support mechanism for workers who are feeling like they are having challenges coping with the pressures of work and sometime in combination with other factors in life.  Having selected and trained persons could make a big difference to workers who need someone to talk to and can point them in the right direction to get the right help at the right time

Personally, I can highly recommend Maria Wright and her company Inspiring 121 to guide you through life’s rough patches. Not only did she help me to deal with the immediate challenges I was going through at the time but actually show me how to access and maximise resources I had the whole time. Maria is highly qualified and very effective at supporting you achieving your outcomes. To read more click on the link below.


If you need to talk

Sometimes we lose our way and the stress in life can get the better of us. There is always a solution and someone to guide you.

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